Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Is Emotional Health?

Physical Therapy Schools - What Is Emotional Health?
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Do you know about - What Is Emotional Health?

Physical Therapy Schools! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Daniel Goldman's book the Emotional Quotient became a best distributor when the western world was steeped in 'intellectualism.' He made the west aware of emotions and emotional health. Since then the opinion of Eq and all things linked to it has come to be the 'in' thing.

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How is What Is Emotional Health?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Schools.

In order to understand Emotional Health, you need to first appreciate what and how corporeal health is maintained.

The word 'health' has been described by a definition by the World health society in terms of 'absence of illness.' If you are not suffering with illness you are healthy. In a salutary body, there is absence of disease. From curative perspectives the disease is absent because the body has the ability to 'fight' or oppose or resist illness causing organisms. These organisms are already present in the body all the time. There is a state of balance in the body in which the curative soldiery can neutralize effectively the disease causing organisms. In a weak body such premise is impaired and so the illness causing soldiery come to be stronger and overwhelm the body's defences or the immune system.

The whole process of health and illness can be understood by a straightforward word- Resilience' In a salutary body, there is 'resilience' to bounce back from attacks by pathogens. An example of this is a straightforward throat infection. Normally a straightforward infection will heal itself in a few days. But if the body's defences are poorer, then illness will form and antibiotics may need to be taken to fight the pathogens causing soreness in the throat. In this case the body loses its 'resilience' to bounce back and be salutary again without any help.

A young man who was attending me for emotional problems was very angry with the boys who had bullied him in school many years ago. This feel had ruined his life. He had developed low self esteem and had difficulties in socializing. He was unable to recapitulate well with his colleagues at work because he used to keep himself away from them in collective situations. Do you think he was emotionally ill? You bet he was. He also suffered with anxiety and depression. But he did not have the 'immune system' to deal with such emotions which overwhelmed him.

Could he come to be emotionally salutary again? He could. He had to do intense psychotherapy to 'process' his emotional baggage. When he was emotionally 'ill', he was sensitive to other people's behaviour towards him. He felt being criticized too hard to take. He felt that every man he met was judging him. He lacked the emotional 'resilience' that was needed to bounce back from such situations.

As therapy proceeded and we touched on and addressed each and every trauma linked issue in his life, his ability to deal with day-to-day emotional issues started to change. He could then genuinely ignore what others said to him and he could also 'accept' their comment of him. He became less defensive. His self-esteem was raised as a supervene of his therapy. He became emotionally more 'resilient' than before. He regained his Emotional Health.

An ill body has to first regain corporeal health before it can successfully achieve 'resilience'. An emotionally or mentally ill someone also has to regain emotional health and then heighten on the resilience aspect. Emotional health is not only about expressing your feelings, it is also about being able to bounce back from any emotionally traumatic or distressing experience. The best way to form it is by doing meditation Normally from an experienced teacher. The educator will be able to guide you through your own emotional issues to bring you to a 'healthy' level. For habitancy who have had many difficulties in life, counselling or psychotherapy maybe the first step before they start doing meditation.

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