Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Occupational Therapy Online Schools

Do you know about - Occupational Therapy Online Schools

Online Occupational Therapy School certificate and join together degree programs train students for licensed occupational therapy (Ot) aides, occupational therapy technicians, and occupational therapy assistants. These occupational therapy personnel withhold the work of degreed occupational therapists. Bachelor and devotee degree Ot courses are also presented straight through online and length learning, with some courses required in classroom studies for degree completion.

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How is Occupational Therapy Online Schools

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When searching options for occupational therapy certificates and join together degrees, be particular to find an accredited Online Occupational Therapy School. There are schools not accredited by suitable states and organizations. Instruction from these non-accredited institutions may not be suitable to all employment.

Courses in accredited Ot schools for certificate and join together degrees in occupational therapy should contain human anatomy, biology, curative terminology, communal and behavioral sciences, and other subjects associated to the field of occupational therapy.

Ot students will learn to sustain clients in relearning uncomplicated activities of feeding, dressing, bathing, and grooming oneself; training for modifying behavior; and possibly teaching computer use as occupational therapy technicians. Prospective occupational therapy aides will use corporal practice to growth client strength, mobility, and dexterity. Occupational therapy assistants will also article and rate the activities and expand of clients.

Many online occupational therapy programs of study are available at the devotee degree level. Online devotee level Ot programs are geared toward meeting the needs of practicing clinicians who wish to improve and expand their skills and knowledge. Courses may address concepts and law of anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, and kinesiology, as well as varied therapeutic techniques and methods. devotee level occupational therapy students can also expect to study current theory, research, and knowledge of health and communal aid systems for the improvement of innovative and efficient intervention and aid programs.

The majority of the post-professional Ot courses conducted online want students to attend slight on-campus studies. Depending on the schedule and the focus of study, some programs do allow students to faultless the whole occupational therapy devotee degree from the home computer.

Courses for devotee degree studies in online Ot contain law and custom of occupational therapy, human adaptation, explore skills for modern custom and scholarly inquiry, and methods of analysis.

Master level students in occupational therapy may choose to faultless a certificate for specializations in industrialized pediatrics, industrialized hand therapy, upper extremity rehabilitation, adult rehabilitation, and behavior disorders. These Ot programs want on-campus study as well.

If you are interested in learning more about Occupational Therapy Online Schools [http://www.schoolsgalore.com/categories/4/occupational_therapy_online_schools.html], search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

Disclaimer: Above is a general summary and may or may not reflect exact practices, courses and/or services associated with Any One singular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.com.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Atlanta Parks and Recreation Jobs

Do you know about - Atlanta Parks and Recreation Jobs

National magazines claim Atlanta to be the best place to live, work and play. Atlanta offers employment opportunities in the parks, recreation and natural resources sector. In the metro area alone, people has grown in the past decade from 2.9 million to 4.1 million people, that is nearly 40%. Atlanta parks and recreation jobs are addition in numbers as well. The Greater Atlanta department of Parks and Recreation has 12 districts.

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How is Atlanta Parks and Recreation Jobs

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In 2005, Atlanta acceptable the proposed the Atlanta Belt Line redevelopment plan. This plan will originate 30,000 new jobs in the Atlanta area during the next 20-25 years. The plan will join together the city's parks and recreation facilities with a new infrastructure which will meet or exceed the demands of the excepted increase into the greater and the downtown area. This plan will have a safe bet impact on the Greater Atlanta area as well as Atlanta parks and recreation jobs.

Recreation is diverse, to say the least. Atlanta parks and recreation jobs are too. From Zoo Atlanta, to Grant Park, there is a diverse need for talented individuals. Coan Park and Recreation facilities offer activities and therapy for children with extra needs. Positions here range from program Assistant to Speech Therapy. Bodily recovery requires specialized training and provides a rewarding career. Helping others can be an enriching livelihood.

There are of course hundreds of Parks in the area. Many theme parks, such as Six Flags over Georgia, White Water and American Adventures, offer employment opportunities, such as Amusement Park Operator Life Guard, and Concert Promoter. They offer positions over the spectrum from condition care needs to security providers.

Just ten minutes from downtown, The Bobby Jones Golf Course, with its champion Bermuda greens, rests in the heart of Buckhead. Colse to is the Bitsy Grant Tennis court, offering many recreation jobs. These types of parks offer positions in Tennis Training Instructors, Tour Guides and assistance Staff.

Many parks, such as Piedmont, Southside, Anderson, and leisure Park offer some types of venues for recreational activities and events. These types of parks need professionals like, collective Directors, Youth Counselors, Festival Directors and facility Managers. They also have a demand for Foresters and Forest Rangers as well as Fish & Game Wardens.

Atlanta parks and recreation facilities provide the commerce with Club House Managers, Food assistance Assistants, condition Club Managers and Hotel/Resort Managers and Guest Services Staff. Many of the parks offer stadiums and playing fields for sporting events. These parks offer positions such as Referee, Score Keeper, Grounds Keeper, Maintenance and Concession Stand Attendants.

Atlanta parks and recreation jobs will begin to improve in the near future. The Atlanta Belt Line redevelopment plan will originate 30,000 new jobs in the Atlanta area during the next two decades. The plan will set the stage for new facilities and a new infrastructure which will raise cultural increase into the greater and the downtown area. Within Atlanta's 12 Districts there is a wide range of employment opportunities.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Psychological and physical Effects of Stress

Do you know about - Psychological and physical Effects of Stress


Although some of the effects of stress are still unknown and debated, but 80-90% of all doctors visits these days are in part due to stress-related ailments. Stress has been connected to anxiety, panic attacks, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, digestive track diseases, etc. One thing for unavoidable is that stress wrecks havoc our immune system.

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How is Psychological and physical Effects of Stress

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Stress affects us both physically and psychologically. The psychological effects of stress is more subtle, but continued stress will growth in intensity and if not treated can lead to all sorts of problems such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. An private who is under stress will be more quick-tempered and easy to anger. He or she will lose interest in every other aspect of life. Habitancy who are under stress tend to find it harder to couple and have greater strangeness manufacture decisions.

Both psychological and bodily effects of stress are not unrelated. The result starts on your brain which then leads to impacts on your body. Two brain components: the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands lead the charge while stressful events. They release a substance called Acth (adrenocorticotropic hormone) that stimulates the adrenal gland, near the kidney, to release cortisol.

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, it is all the time secreted in higher levels while the body's 'fight or flight' response to stress. Natural levels of cortisol rise and fall while the day, when it rises our body should be given the time so that it can return it to a general level. Serious problem can occur if our body's stress response is activated too often that the body doesn't have a occasion to return to normal, hence resulting in a state of persisting stress.

High stress can cause a shortened concentration span, less productive memory recall, lowered objectivity and other mental problems. As dire thoughts take operate and race around the mind, ability to solve life's daily challenges in a rational way diminishes. This often leads to moodiness, anger, feelings of injustice and other emotional consequences.

Chronic stress often has detrimental effects; it often results in depression, anxiety, increased fear of failure and an allinclusive sense of doom. But those are extremes and they are by no means inevitable.

By focusing on the root cause that led to stress, evaluating the stress factors realistically and retention a sense of perspective about their consequences, stress can be reduced and even eliminated before it becomes a persisting problem. For instance, if you have an unreasonable boss and are often stressed out that it starts to take a toll on your life and family, it is time for you to put thing in a sense of perspective. Remember that job is disposable but your condition and family are not.

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